War Letters

A letter that Carole's father wrote to his mother in 1918, before going to France,
was published in the book "War Letters".  A museum in Raleigh mounted a special
exhibit related to the book.  Carole's father's letter and his photo were displayed.

Historic Oak View County Park

The exhibit of Lester Hensler's letter.
 The wall exhibit, with photo of Lester Hensler  The original letter

This is the text of the letter:


    Camp    Mead, Md.
    July 13, 1918

Dear Mother and Father

Well Mother, this is the proudest day of my life.  We leave for "over there" tonight, and I am thankful that I can take a place among men who will bring freedom to the world.  I do not want you to worry about me at all, for I "am coming back" and will be 100 percent better for having gone, for in the army one gains a knowledge of life, that is impossible to gain elsewhere.

All I want of you all is "Keep the home fires burning" and it will not be long until we will come marching home our mission accomplished, and happy to have suffered the hardships of war.

When you speak of me in France, do not do so with a heavy heart, do it in a proud way, for it is indeed, a thing any parent should be proud of.

I feel this way about it I would rather die in the war, than to have stayed out and lived a "Coward" and a "Slacker" and Mother there are many of those and think just how their parents must feel when ask about their son or sons.

This is a man's game, and let me tell you Mother when Bat. "E" 312 F.A. (which is recognized to be the best Bat. of Field Artillery in the U.S. army) starts in there is going to be a long line of "huns" in line at roll call in hell for breakfast.  I would like to have my picture made in my overseas outfit but I will not have a chance.  One of the boys, my buddie has a camera, and we will take some pictures over there and I will send you some.  Well I will say good bye to all and "don't worry."

    Love and best wishes
    Your loving son

P.S.  Put this number down someplace and don't lose it.  In case anything happens you will need it to get my insurance.  "2.695.642"

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